Privacy Policy – contacts and information request


Pursuant to European Regulation no. 679 of 2016 (the “Privacy Regulation“), Elite Stone S.r.l., with registered office in 00196 Rome, Via Flaminia, 135, VAT reg. no. 10104411003, as the Data Controller (hereinafter, the “Data Controller“), wishes to inform you that your personal data will be processed to manage your request to be contacted and/or to receive information on the products sold by the Data Controller.

You can use the “Contact” area to describe your requests for information or needs, but we ask you not to indicate data defined by the Privacy Regulations as special data (e.g. relating to your health state, religious orientation, etc.).

You can use the “Request Information” area to send us requests for information on individual products that cannot be purchased via the e-commerce website

The legal basis for the processing is to provide a service within the meaning of art. 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Privacy Regulations and, therefore, no express consent will be required from you in order to process your request.

The data you provide will be processed mainly by hardcopy and/or IT tools under the authority of the Data Controller, by persons specifically authorised and trained to process it (pursuant to Articles 2-quaterdecies of the Privacy Code and Articles 28 and 29 of the Privacy Regulations). We inform you that appropriate security measures are observed, also in accordance with Articles 5 and 32 of the Privacy Regulations, to prevent loss of data, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorised access.

The data may be communicated, within the EU, in full compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Regulations, to the following parties: public bodies and/or authorities, where required by law or at their request; structures, subjects and external companies that the Data Controller uses to carry out activities connected with, instrumental to or consequent upon the execution of the “Contact” and “Request Information” service; external consultants, unless they are designated in writing as Data Processors. The updated list of designated data processors can be provided upon request by data subjects.

Without prejudice to legal obligations, your personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary to respond to your request for information.

At any time, you may exercise your rights under Articles 15 et seq. of the Privacy Regulations, for access, rectification, transformation, blocking, cancellation and restriction of processing.

In the event of failure to receive a timely reply or inadequate response from the undersigned company, or if you believe there has been a violation of the Privacy Code and/or the Privacy Regulations, you may lodge a complaint with the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Data Protection Authority), as follows:, e-mail:, Telephone switchboard: (+39) 06.696771.